I have been optimizing my development productivity
How I enhanced developer productivity with personal tools, bash scripts, aliases and organizational practices
Temporary tables in SQL and How I used it to improve performance
In PostgreSQL, a temporary table is a table that exists only during a database session. It is created and used within a single database session and is automatically dropped at the end of the session.
Kubernetes Concepts
This writing is about my learning with kubernetes. This blog might be a quick look for my day to day uses with kubernetes.
Take Your Django Serializer Game to the Next Level
Django has always been a quick go to framework that I mostly use when I need some result quickly. Start with the server or when I want to set up a quick server.
Vim Selection Groups
In Neovim, the scope that regular expression select group is out of this world. Here is a screencast of me making a json object out of just text data.