Nirjal Paudel

Nirjal Paudel

I'm Nirjal Paudel, a software developer specializing in database and backend technology, optimization and cloud

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Recent Blogs

# tips and tricks

I bet you don't know these five typescript tips

This article challenges and helps you level up your understanding of typescript. These 5 tips will make you code better. Look out for dynamic parameters type 😉
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# backend

From Yin to Yang: Understanding Celery

This article demystifies Celery, a Python tool for managing background tasks using message queues. It covers its architecture—transport, serialization, and workers—outlines concurrency models, task limits, and configurations. Learn about Celery Beat for scheduling, Result Backends for task outcomes, and Flower for monitoring. Perfect for both beginners and veterans, this guide offers practical examples and a link to a template repository for hands-on experience.
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# beyond-coding

Experiencing the dualities of hackathon

This blog recounts my personal journey through the contrasting roles of a hackathon event—first as a participant and later as a judge. I aim to be expressive with my language and incorporate some Gen Z Instagram terms to bring the story to life. I hope you enjoy this exploration of both sides of the hackathon experience.
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